We called this product the Albatross as much like the sea bird it allows customers to harness the power of warm air currents to conserve energy.
About our Albatross Mobile Spraybooth
The Albatross Mobile Spray Paint Booth was invented by John Timoney and developed in partnership with Metaltech Engineering Ltd. John Timoney has over 30 years experience in design and installation of painting systems for auto body smart repairs. John’s experience and knowledge of the Albatross Mobile Spray Booth was instrumental in the vision of this new product.
Working with Ennis body repair shop John put together the concept of the Albatross Mobile Spray Booth and introduced the design and manufacture to Metaltech Engineering Ltd for our prototype unit.
How does the Albatross Mobile Spray Booth compare to our competitors?
– Reduces the time and costs for body shop owners.
– Built in heaters for the body work allowing for the product to build to the correct temperature and allow for the paint to dry after paint spray work.